Burlington is Number #1 Midsize City in Canada in 2015 (Third Year in a Row!)

Moving to or living in Burlington, Ontario is a sound idea!

This week of June, we made it again to the Money Sense Magazine’s list of Canada’s Best Places to Live 2015. Congrats!!

Burlington Ontario Residential Street
Burlington Ontario Residential Street (2015)

Burlington is ranked number 1 midsize city in Canada, third year in a row is very impressive!

So what is so special about Burlington? Let’s see..

  1. Low Unemployment
  2. High Incomes
  3. Low Crime
  4. Good Weather
  5. Strong Arts & Sports Community

Some of the city’s attractions include Canada’s Largest Ribfest, Sound of Music Festival, Art Gallery of Burlington, and Spencer Smith Park, all located near the city’s municipal offices in the downtown core. Additionally, the city attracts hikers, birders and nature lovers due to the Royal Botanical Gardens located on the border with Hamilton, as well as its proximity to a part of the Niagara Escarpment in the north end of the city that includes the Iroquoian section of the Bruce Trail.

Burlington Ontario City View 2015
View of the City of Burlington from City View Park (2015)

Let Lori VanDinther, trusted Burlington REALTOR, help you make the right move to Burlington, Ontario — a fabulous community to work in, live and raise a family.

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