Is Home Staging Worth It?
Is it worth it to have your home staged? This is a great question and I’m happy to answer it. In this blog we’ll discuss some of the reasons why you would want to use a stager. When you decide to sell your home that’s really the first step in the whole process, then comes the question of whether or not to stage it. Does it need to be? Your REALTOR should be able to help you answer this question.
If your home needs some improvements to help potential buyers imagine themselves living in your home, then I say why not do it! But what is home staging anyway? It’s a way to present your home, as I mentioned above, to prospective buyers in order to sell it. REMAX Canada recommends three steps that include; depersonalizing, decluttering and redecorating.
Depersonalize Your Home
Let’s start organizing and putting things away, less is more! Pack away your personal items from around your home. These items can be pictures, awards, etc. Most likely you’ll have a professional stager come and help you determine what to pack away and what to keep!
Decluttering Your Space
When you’ve lived in the same home for a few decades things can pile up. That’s why we need to remember that less is more in this case. We want to make sure buyers can see themselves living there and loving it. You’ll want to pack away items that you don’t need and make space. Now your space is looking clean, organized and looking fresh. You might even want to paint a room or two, that’s where redecorating comes in.
Redecorate The Room
The time has come, time to redecorate and make your home shine. Literally, we want to make it shine and look like the perfect home for the prospective buyer. There’s nothing like a fresh coat of paint, it can change everything. Your stager might even want to rent some new furniture to help get things even more modern and stylish. According to REMAX Canada, hiring a professional stager is the right move and I agree!
Who’s Paying For This?
Typically the seller is going to pay for this service, but it’s understood that they’ll make the money back on the sale of the home. According to the National Association of REALTORs, homes that are staged sell up to 30 percent more than those that aren’t.
The cost of having your home staged is determined by a few different factors. These can be the overall state of the home and how much staging is actually required. The home might only really need some paint and cleaning, while another home might be more work.
Depending on the amount of staging needed will determine the cost, that’s something you’ll discuss with your REALTOR and stager. That’s the fun part, we want to make your home so beautiful that buyers are knocking down the door to buy it!
The VanDinther Team
If you have any questions about home staging and how we can help you, let us know! The VanDinther Team is made up of experience real estate professionals that are ready to help you with all of your home buying and selling needs.
Have you been wondering what your home might be worth? Give our “What’s My Home Worth” calculator a try and find out! Please feel free to contact me or my team at anytime either by phone at 905-330-2002 or by email at